Picturesque India, W.S. Caine

Saturday, Febr’y 5/98, 1:52 p.m. – 9:38 a.m.

Our position at noon today was as follows: Lat. N. 17.46, Long. E. 68.5, Run 315, leaving 283 to Bombay. Accordingly, we ought to be there about 9 tomorrow Sunday morning.

Very lovely day, sea smooth, sun hot but on the hurricane[1] deck the breeze is delicious. Enjoyed a cold bath at 7:30 & had a good hour on deck before breakfast. A concert is to be held on the upper deck tonight. These entertainments are always appreciated on board ship. How quickly these past 3 weeks have gone, & in a few hours I shall, all well, be in India. A long way indeed, yet so soon can the distance be accomplished. I will here copy a menu each breakfast & luncheon served today:

Breakfast 9 a.m.                        Luncheon 1 p.m.

Porridge & milk                        Chicken Curry

Fried Gare [sic] Fish[2]           Cods Roe on Toast

Mutton Chops                           Roast Beef

American Hash                         Corned Leg Pork

Hashed Fowl                             Ox Tongue

Grilled Bacon                           Roast Mutton

Eggs al’Espagnole                     Galantine of Turkey

Vegetable Curry                        Melton Mowbray Pie

Waffles                                     Lunch Cake

Frozen Pears

& at any meal, you can have for the asking anything you specially desire.


Saturday, Febr’y 5/98.

The mail for home leaves Bombay today, so my letter won’t get away for another week, but you will see our arrival in Monday’s “Mail”.

[1] Upper deck

[2] Probably means garfish.

One Reply to “Saturday, February 5th, 1898, SS Ballaarat, Indian Ocean”

  1. In 1898…. Concert on the Deck… Entertainers aboard ship…!!! what a romantic tale… reminiscent of “Titanic” …!!!

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